Old Scotch Rover Club

About the Club

Part of the 1st Hawthorn Scout Group, the 1st Hawthorn (Old Scotch Collegians’) Rover Crew has met continuously since the first meeting of the crew on June 8, 1931. The first Rover Scout Leader being Mr Ron Wilson, who was also Group Scout Master for many years.

Club Activity

The Rover Crew meets on Monday nights at 8pm at the Rover Den (located under the Scout Hall).

We participate in a wide variety of activities ranging from community service to outdoor activities. We attend camps such as Surfmoot at Anglesea and Mudbash at Yea each year as well as numerous camping and 4wding trips.

‘Green Label’ is the Crew’s very own car raced in Rover Scout Motorsport events such as Mudbash and Winter Challenge. Helping the Scotch Scout Troop and Venturer Unit forms part of our service and we regularly volunteer at the group’s camp, Elliot Lodge, located in Healesville.

Every year the Crew also runs its own initiative course at Lal Lal State Forest, designed for Venturers attempting their Queen Scout Award, but open to any Venturer.

Member Details

The Old Scotch Rover Crew welcomes both men and women between the ages of 18 and 26. Everyone is welcome, not just old boys of the school.

Subs are payable each year.

Contact Details

Crew Leader: Joel Freiberg


Facebook website: https://www.facebook.com/oldscotchrovers/

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